On March 19th I had a doctors appointment with a Scleroderma specialist. Everything went well and she said everything seems healthy so far. She wants me to start EPO shots that will help my anemia. EPO is the hormone that kidneys produce to make red blood cells. EPO shots would help my kidneys create more red blood cells and hopefully help my anemia. Other than this shot, she did not recommend doing anything different. The Ace Inhibitor (Lisinopril) is the best way to go for now. If things get worse an immunosuppressant would most likely be the next step. One type of immunosuppressent used is Methotrexate, an oral chemo pill. She said I came out relatively unscathed so I guess that was somewhat good news.
We also got to worship at College Park and the singing was wonderful! It is so uplifting to be around brothers and sisters in Christ that are always praying for you. I also got to meet Shaun's cousin, aunt, and uncle. Shaun's cousin is also an Optometrist so we both got our eyes checked as well. There are some effects on the blood vessels in my eyes from the seizure and high blood pressure. He was not worried about any of it and the pressure in my eyes was perfect.
James 1:12 says "Blessed
is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall
receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that
love him." No matter what we endure on earth, we have to keep our faith and trust God. As long as we believe, obey, are baptized, and live our lives according to the will of God, we will receive a crown of life.
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